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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  July 10, 2013 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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investigators in a few moments. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. speaking with the ntsb chairman coming up within the next 10 or 15 minutes. with regards to the auto throttle, that is something ntsb investigators headquarter at south san francisco hotel are taking into consideration as they try to figure out what caused asiana flight 214 to crash late saturday morning. part of the focus on whether or not that auto throttle mechanism was working properly on final approach to sfo. the two pilots at the control of the boeing 777 told investigators they thought the auto throttle was armed and maintaining steady 137 knots minimum speed necessary for landing. why didn't they notice this was not the case, they were dangerously slow and low? because they might have been distracted by another pressing issue. in that final approach, the pilots realized that they were
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offcenter from the runway, trying to correct the problem. it wasn't until they were 200 feet out from touchdown that they realized they were going too slow and altitude was too low. they did throttle up in an attempt to boabort the landing t it was too late. >> one of very critical things that needs to be monitored on approach to landing is speed. so we need to understand what was going on in the cockpit and also with the aircraft. >> reporter: the pilot at the controls of the 777 at the time has several thousand hours flying experience in other jumbo jets, just not the 777. this was his first time trying to land a 777 at sfo and his co-pilot, who was training him at the time, that was his first time as instructor. the ntsb says the pilots were not drug tested after the crash. the issue is that under current law, drug and alcohol testing is
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required for american pilots, not foreign pilots. reporting live here south san francisco, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> the crash over the asiana jetliner has created controversy over different levels of safety on board the plane. preliminary reports from victims suggest business class passengers had full shoulder harnesses while those in coach only had a lap belt to restrain them. this raises one very big question for burlingame attorney frank petri. >> the injuries that occurred in one area of the aircraft where you had the dual restraint system with those who didn't and you see where there were dramatic differences in nature and type of injury. >> biomechanics experts say extra extra restraints there is more room to be thrown about.
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lawsuits are necessary to change what he calls the corporate culture. he has two clients from the asiana disaster and says depend what investigators uncover, he may end up suing the airline boeing, which built the plane and companies that made the flight instruments and even possibly sfo. stay with "today in the bay" all morning long for continuing coverage of the crash. updates. on our website another scare at sfo to tell you. a plane ready for take-off evacuated overnight after a tug vehicle crashed right into it. a passenger on boboard the flig said it was unnerving given what happened to the asiana flight over the weekend. >> i'm sure it's going through other people's mind here. there was an accident here. something hit the plane. you know i wanted to ask questions, you know, if we even
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had a safe plane. you don't want to crash land after something like that that happened over the weekend. >> pictures of the crash taken by bob myers on board the red eye flight to cincinnati. he felt a jolt as the plane shook. passengers they were put on a den plane and then took off a few hours later after originally scheduled departure. the man admitted to raping 40 women in california including 15 in the south bay could be released from a state hospital. but the l.a. county district attorney's office is trying to block the move that's been approved by a santa clara county judge. marla tellez live with where more than a dozen of the rapes happened. this happened more than 25 years ago. >> reporter: good morning. back in the late '70s, early '80 that's christopher evans hubbart terrorized women in the bay area. people as you
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forgotten raped most of the victims here in sunnyvale and also women in san jose and san francisco. hubbart was known as the pillowcase rapist because he'd put a pillowcase over his victims' head. prior to go on his raping spree here in sunnyvale, people didn't realize he raped 25 other women in the los angeles area. that was in the early to mid-70s. he was arrested and locked up only to be released in 1990, and that's when he struck again. this time he attacked a woman at monroe middle school in san jose. since then he spent most of his time in state hospitals. his fate is set to change after a santa clara county judge granted him conditional release in may which mean his could be a free man sometime this year. that horrifies people here in sunnyvale especially who will never forget him. >> i remember when he got caught and that was a big deal.
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that was a real big deal here. i'm flabbergasted. i knew it was a lot of women but i didn't know it was 15. >> he's done terrible things and i understand that nobody would want the guy living next door. that being said, he has legal right to ask for release once he's completed his in patient treatment and he's going to be heavily supervised, more heavily supervised than any inmate coming out of state prison or county jail. >> for those who can't stomach the thought of the now-62-year-old hubbart getting another shot at freedom, there is hope. after just yesterday a prosecutor with the l.a. county d.a.'s office drove to san jose to file paperwork to block his release. if denied hubbart would be released in l.a. county where he's from, he would be heavily monitored. he'd have to abide by a curfew, also undergo treatment for his mental issues. still very lit comfort for people who just can't forget
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what he did all those years ago. coming up, we'll hear from one of hubbart's rape victims, what she has to say. marla tellez "today in the bay." new details about what happened after walnut creek workers discovered an employee was accused of sexual abuse. four city employees placed on leave in march after police arrested the man for allegedly sexually abusing teenage girls. he had sexual contact with them. he was fired from the center after his arrest. he pleaded not guilty to charges. the four employees placed on leave returned to work last month after an internal review determined the employees behaved appropriately. today the city will release details of that investigation into how the employees responded. 5:07. the father accused of stealing thousands of dollars from his own child's school is expected to be in court today. keith dennis a volunteer
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treasure or of the pta at lynn haven elementary school. he's facing four felony charges, including grand theft, embezzlement. the d.a.'s office says dennis wrote checks to himself for more than $27,000 and took money from school fund-raisers. he turned himself in to authorities last month but currently out on bail. >> pg&e massive penalty fine for the san bruno explosion on hold at least for now. attorneys for the california public utilities commission asking for the more than $2 billion fine to be dropped. the problem here is whether the penalty fine actually pun herbs the company. lawyers discovered the proposed fine would be tax deductible for pg&e and comes with too many credits and perks. lawyers right now drafting up a new proposal. they plan to submit some time next week. >> palo alto police trying to track down two thieves who ripped off hundreds of dollars worth of gas. two men used some sort of tool,
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possibly a screw driver to tamper with a gas pump near west charleston road. the man can be seen on video filling up four different vehicles late last monday night. police say the same men came back two days late somewhere filled up another three cars. in all, the thieves got away with more than $500 worth of free gas. time now 5:09. coming into work, now starting to notice muggy feeling go away, cool, crisp, refreshing vibe out there. temperatures lower? >> yeah. mugginess coming back today. you had a good break. notice that it was gone. that's the good us in. 57 in concord. 60 in livermore. 58 in san jose. it's a give and take today. temperatures are going to fall by three to five degrees. you may not notice the difference as the humidity does increase, not until late this afternoon. the monsoonal flare-up bringing in mountain thunderstorms. i think the best chance for that
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is over the western facing slopes surrounding san jose and that will be the case between the evening hours. i'd say 3:00 to 7:00 the best chance. we'll keep you updated here. jeff and myself, we get excited any thunderstorm activity, we get excited. fog this morpg. not that exciting. i can tell you, it's going to keep you nice and cool today at the immediate coast. san francisco overcast day for you. but that means you're going to see more norms for this time of year. temperatures seasonal today. 87 degrees typically the average high in livermore this time of year. 77 in fremont. 64 san francisco. 79 degrees in los gados. something not average yesterday the drive. a bear of a traffic tuesday. hopefully there's relief to start out your wednesday. want to help them get over the hump, mike. >> good morning. south bay drivers, 101, related freeways tough. other spots have that summer light. that's good news. we'll look at both sides of the
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coin. looking here toward the san mateo bridge, pleasant drive, no problems over the span. hayward side. we have an easy drive, mark with the camera angle. 238 northbound, a crash at end of the washington off-ramp. be prepared. a rig on the shoulder. no slowing for lanes on the freeway. easy drive for the tri-valley build out of the altamont pass. highway 4 through antioch, past lone tree slowing as well. kirking pass at north. ville a crash. quick shot of 101. no big surprises. we'll show you the view. 5:11. investigative unit uncovering possible health issue of one of the nation. largest food distributors. video to prove it. a courtroom showdown between apple and amazon averted. what caused the case to be dropped.
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exclusive from our investigative unit. the state health department is investigating cisco fooding one of the nation's largest food distributors, after vicky nguyen learned cisco had been storing meat, dairy, fresh produce in outdoor public storage lockers. our cameras caught the trucks delivering food to the metal storage shed in the middle of the night. we observes employees picking up chicken, pork, steak in their person cal cars. public health moved in to investigate. quote, our company policy states that cisco controlled drop sites must be secure and equipped with refrigerator/freezer units. cisco san francisco ceased its practices in relation to the drop site and will review and implement practices with sales and delivery teams.
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employees tell us this has been going on for years. they say there are more than a dozen food sheds over the bay area like the ones you just saw. apple now dropping a lawsuit against amazon over the name of its app store. apple sued amazon for trademark infringement and false advertising when the amazon app store for android launched in 2011. apple claimed amazon did not have the right to use the term app store. amazon argued the term had been so generic it couldn't be trademarked. yesterday a judge dismissed the case at apple's request. happy birthday, congratulations, in honor of the fifth anniversary, apple giving away free apps and games to celebrate. apple says over the past five years, people, get this, downloaded more than 50 billion apps. >> great time to get more.
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netflix getting personal this month. the ceo reid hastings and cfo david wells will host live video chats to discuss the company's quarterly earnings with investors. the chats take place on netflix's regular conference call. the company says investors will be able to submit questions by e-mail and twitter. word of the chats sent netflix stock up more than 6%. futures down this morning after consecutive days with gains. live at cnbc world headquarters. >> jon, good morning. futures lower after stocks rose for a fourth straight day on tuesday. traders more confident following friday's strong jobs report and expectations that company report good earnings the next few weeks. data on wholesale trade and the minutes from last month's fed meeting.
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ben bernanke speaks later this afternoon. u.s. regulators are cracking down on the debt collection practices of some of the biggest lenders' laws governing how companies go after consumers behind on bills. regulator say as a result, banks and department stores can hound consumers with repeated phone calls the bureau plans to tell congress today it should have the authority to oversee debt clerks under the dodd/frank financial reform law. back to you. >> we'll talk to you later. check the forecast with christina loren. you can feel it's cooler this morning. >> yeah. it's really nice out there. it's that kind of weather in the summertime that if you have the kids at home you want to get them outdoors you'll get a good stretch of time to do so. it can be hard with the ac on and kids at home with you. 5:17. get them outdoors for the next couple of days. great beach weather, that's going to sustain for another couple days and then drop off.
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best beach city, looking for warmth and sunshine, santa cruz. 58 degrees. good morning san jose. 52 gilroy. thanks for waking up with us. 52 san mateo. weather story of the day. hour by hour forecast. stop at clock at 11:00 a.m. temperatures warm in the east bay but not too hot. 87 degrees in antioch at noon. 71 degrees up in navato. maybe you've got the summer off. check out the broadcast. 87 degrees in livermore today. 77 for fremont. 80 degrees straight up in san jose. so take you through the changes. area of low pressure arrives throughout the next couple of days. and this is going to get rid of humidity that will be on the rise for today. however, what i can tell you temperatures dropping off by five degrees from yesterday's highs. we are done with 90s. we'll hold on to mid-80s thursday, friday. upper 80s saturday and sunday. temperatures seesawing. no major swings.
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let's find out what's happening on the roadways. >> yeah, we have major swings in the traffic flow especially through the south bay. right now, we're on the easy side. looking at nice smooth traffic of northbound commutes and all directions for freeways. 87 where i saw a bill northbound and now southbound. a tad bit of slowing below 60. watch for the trends as they develop. bill for 101 northbound. nothing unusual for 519. no major slowing down here. we'll look at the peninsula, 101, palo alto, smooth drive as well. live camera, traffic flowing nicely past the 101. shopping center, folks stop there, no reason for any problems. keep on north schedule northbound. there's southbound. easy drive through palo alto. san mateo bridge, the high-rise, nice flow of traffic. picking up company but close to limit across the span as well. no delays on the hayward side.
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north bay, a smooth flow of traffic. traffic control for 128 because of a fire. easy flow through san rafael. bay bridge, nice drive, low clouds. be careful. watch it with christina. thank you. a courthouse in boston expected to be packed later today for an appearance by 19-year-old zoe car tsarnaev the young man charged in the boston marathon bombing. arraignment scheduled in federal court in boston. victims' families expected to be there. charged with using a weapon often mass destruction in the bombings that killed three and wounded more than 260. a major vote expected today on the controversial abortion bill in texas. >> shame on you! shame on you! >> that was late last night, lawmakers leaving the texas state house to boos from protesters after they held a provisional vote on abortion reform. opponents say the new bill will effectively eliminate abortions in the state of texas.
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a second special session called just for this vote. it did not pass that first time around because, you may remember, texas state senator wendy dave es manais managed to filibuster talking for 11 hours straight until the first special session ended. antitrust lawsuit against major league baseball is moving forward. widely considered one of the bay area's most experienced federal judges. he's known as one of the nation's most influential judges in high-tech law. city of san jose suing major league baseball accusing the league of blocking a's from moving to the south bay. >> keep our eye on that one. big news. 5:21. you and i talk about it all the time, slimming but why a well-known clothing chain has decided to ban the color black. we'll explain.
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welcome back. live look. that is bay bridge in the distance. schooler start. brace yourself. dress appropriately. warm out there again. she'll tell you about that coming up. 5:24. biking and horseback riding might be able to stay in yosemite national park. the national park service says it is working on a compromise that would allow bike, raft, horse rentals to continue in yosemite valley. the park service planned to cut those activities to try to help protect the merced river. but patierkgoers and lawmakers blasted the plan, saying it would drive away visitors. the new plan will be out coming up in december. black is not in at abercrombie & fitch. the retailer tells business insider, it doesn't sell black
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clothing and corporate employees are discouraged from wearing the color at work. in a statement, the retailer says, it's a casual lifestyle brand and feels black clothing is formal. ceo said to be behind the ban on the black clothing. he's come under fire recently for saying the brand is only for beautiful people. it's a color. >> it's slimming. >> slimming. >> take the girdle off, you want to wear black, it looks leaner. 5:25. christina loren here to tell us about aileen forecast. >> beauty comes from within. black hearts aren't beautiful. i'm giving it to you this time, abercrombie & fitch. but that's the last time. 77 in fremont. 80 san jose. 79 degrees in los gados. hot in the extreme east bay 87 degrees for livermore. done with 90s. no triple digits in sight. we'll have your camping forecast. great conditions across
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california. talk about that first, a man who knows how to dress, always looks good. >> thank you for making that excuse for wearing my black suit. i didn't get it at abercrombie & fitch. looking here toward the bay bridge toll plaza. easy drive. we have cash lanes a few cars waiting there as we have theme music for the backup. working it out. here toward the mix, the maze, and the traffic flow through the maze on our maps shoe s should easy drive. more traffic through berkeley. west 80 toward the sky way willow avenue off of the carquinez bridge. debris reported in the roadway. sounds like a stalled truck. initial report was debris. we'll stick with that until confirmation from chp. we have more issues there, this is a -- they'll have to clear it but no slowing past the scene.
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a live look at that wreckage out on the runway of asiana air flight 214. bob redell talked to the charm of the ntsb. we will have a live report coming up let you know what she told him next. overnight crash shuts down a major bay area roadway. new details we're learning after the fiery crash.
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a big jolt in the plane, shook everybody around. first immediate reaction, something hit the plane. >> new scare at sfo overnight. a plane evacuated at gate before take-off. pa pa passengers on edge days after flight 214 crashed on the runway. good morning. 5:29. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm jon kelley. good morning. we will hear more from one of the passengers on the plane coming up in a few moments. first, before we get to that,
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the scare comes as the wreckage of asiana wreckage remains on the runway. continuing to release new information as it investigates what led up to the crash and while most of the injured passengers have been treated, nearly two dozen still remain hospitalized this morning. "today in the bay's" bob redell live in south san francisco where he just got an update from the chairman of the ntsb. what did she have to say? >> reporter: good morning. we spoke with ntsb chair deborah hersman, we discussed the auto throttle issue, an issue that came up yesterday after speaking with the two pilots at the controls of the 777 when it crashed saturday morning. investigators who are based here at the south san francisco hotel are takinghe -- that into consideration as they try to figure out what caused the crash. again part of the focus on whether or not the auto throttle working on final approach to sfo. two pilot as controls of the boeing 777 told investigators
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they thought the auto throttle was armed and maintaining 137 knots, speed necessary for a safe landing. why didn't they notice that this was not the case, that they were in fact dangerously slow and low? because they might have been distracted by another pressing issue, something that's coming up in the investigation. it turns out that in the final approach, the pilots realized they were off center from the runway, they were trying to correct this problem. it wasn't until they were 200 feet out from touchdown that they were realized they were going too slow. throttled up in an attempt to abort the landing but it was too late. >> between 200 and 500 feet they were focused on getting lined up. they weren't as focused on the air speed. they recognized that the air speed was low and they tried to bring it up. >> as a layperson, someone not a pilot, i'm trying to wrap my head around the fact speed and altitude seem to be the two main things to be focused on flying
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an plane. how did they let that lapse during a crucial portion of the flight? >> what i can tell you is the facts and what i can tell you is what we have observed. i won't be doing any analysis on scene. we're go to reserve that for a full picture and the team is able to sit down, understand training programs swhou crews work together. >> reporter: the pilot at control of asiana flight 214 was in training at the time. this was his first attempted landing at sfo in a 777. having only logged 43 hours in that type of aircraft though did have several thousand hours in other jumbo jets. his co-pilot, had over 3,000 hours experience flying 777 was his instructor and that was his first time ever as instructor. the ntsb says that the pilots were not drug tested after the crash. i just got done speaking with chairman hersman about this
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issue. she says they do not know whether or not it was in compliance with the airline policy. turns out it is the company, the airline's responsibility, to do drug testing. and this is an issue the ntsb, she tells me, is still trying to understand. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> the president of asiana airlines now in the bay area dealing with the investigation. he is expected to go to sf general hospital to talk to survivors. it's not known what time he'll show up. he has already apologized to the families of the two teenage girls killed in the crash. as we know, over 300 people on the flight, still a number of patients in the hospital this morning. san francisco general says it still has 12 patients in its care including 3 children. the hospital says, five of patients right now in critical condition. last check, four people remain at mills-peninsula center.
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st. francis treating one passenger and so is st. mary's hospital. stanford hospital says, four adults still in their hospital, one in critical condition. we now know at least two of the people seriously injured in the crash were flight attendants working the asiana air flight. they were ejected from the plane and found seriously injured on the runway but survived. we do not know their conditions. we've learned which of the two teenagers that died in the crash may have been inadvertently run over by a san francisco fire truck after the flight crashed. the san mateo county coroner identified the girl as 16-year-old ye mengyuan. the coroner spoke to the girl's parents yesterday. an official coroner's report on the girl's death is not expected to be released for at least a few weeks. stay with "today in the bay" all morning long for continuing coverage of the asiana air crash. bob redell will speak to the chairman of the ntsb again later this morning for the latest in
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the investigation. you can also get updates on our website, as we mentioned, uncomfortable moments at sfo overnight as pangs on a flight had to be evacuated after a tug vehicle crashes into a fully loaded plane. we have a picture taken by one of the passengers from the terminal. the delta flight was at the gate with doors closed when this collision happened. passengers, bob myers, felt a big-time jolt. >> immediately opened the doors back up and both captains came off the plane. inspected whatever it was that happened and kept and told everybody that the tugs hit the plane and we had to got off, we couldn't use the plane. >> you can see it ran into the nose of the plane there. the passengers headed to cincinnati on a red eye flight. they were then put on a different plane. it took off a few hours after they originally were scheduled for departure.
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>> san jose police investigating the city's 26th homicide this morning. just after midnight, police called to a homeless shelter near west julian and montgomery streets a few blocks north of the station. when officers arrived they found a man with stab wounds. he died minutes later. officers detained a man in connection with the stabbing. they think both men live at the shelter and they got into a fight just before the stabbing. new video to show you this morning of an overnight crash that closed lanes on i-80 in emeriville. lots of flames out there. chp says the passenger van collide with a big rig and caught fire near the on ramp. this happened 1:00 a.m. officers had to shut down all five eastbound lanes because fuel spilled over the road out there. they ended up reopening all of the lanes an hour ago. nobody was hurt. >> must be all cleaned up and cleared to go. let's see if cars are on the roadway. checking in with mike.
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>> good morning. cars. it is mostly cleaned up but enough of that absorbent on the roadway, there's our camera above where that earlier truck fire was. there's the absorbent they had to spill because the oil spill john talked. westbound looks good as you're heading toward the east shore freeway. the berkeley curve. bay bridge toll plaza, folks are starting to slow down before the cash lanes. the fas-trak lanes are clear, no problems, no metering lights. the major at the limb eight approaching aut of the caldecott and oakland. look at sunol, 680 through the area, 680 southbound, commute direction around that golf course and up over the hill toward fremont. low clouds hovering around. but not as thick as yesterday. you're starting to see some of the sky. good stuff. tracking this. meanwhile, the track flow. through the south bay, tri-valley slowing for 580
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towards 680. also the altamont pass, there's slowing. get out of your way to see the south bay. northbound 101 showing slowing north of 680. that's your first burst of the morning. peninsula without any problem. easy drive across the bridge. talked about low clouds. they're floating around. visibility's okay so far. >> i'm surprised by the volume so far this summer. we haven't had much of a break. good thing we have you. 58 fairfield. 57 grows, good morning, oak town. gorgeous day shaping up. oak town will see the best of the best today. 58 to start in san jose. 64 where i live in campbell. weather headlines. more of the sfo flight delays throughout the morning. wednesday, cooler temps by three to five degrees. you may not notice a difference as we ramp up muggy conditions. increased humidity. we might see isolated thunderstorm or two over the local mountains.
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a closer look at that forecast. temps seesaw as we get into the weekend. so if you want to make outdoor planned for the weekend, stick around. 87 degrees for today. 77 fremont. 80 in beautiful san jose. talking about mid-july, these numbers are actually really good. they're scorching in southern california. we've got it great in the bay area. 5:39. we'll tell you about the surviving boths marathon suspect about to come face-to-face with the victims' families. >> house republicans holding a key meeting to help determine the fate of immigration reform in america. we have a new statement just released by the white house overnight.
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the man admitted to raping at least 40 women here in
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california, including 15 in the south bay, could be released from a state hospital. christopher hubbart slated to be released from the state hospital and sent to los angeles county where he grew up. the l.a. county district attorney's office filed legal paperwork yesterday to stop his release. hubbart raped 25 women in los angeles and then spent time in prison before he moved to the bay area. that's when he raped 15 more women. he has spent the last 20 years in prison and state hospitals. then just two months ago, a santa clara county judge agreed with experts that hubbart was ready to return to society. coming up at 6:00, a look at what happens if l.a. county's attempt to block hubbart's release fails. closing arguments begin in the richmond high school gang rape trial. the two are on trial for the attack on a 16-year-old girl outside of a school dance in
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2009. both face life in prison if convicted. two other men are already serving prison time. the other two awaiting trial on lesser sexual assault charges. deliberations expected to dplin sometime next week. update now on the surviving suspect of the boston marathon bombings expected to be in federal court for the very first time. dzhokhar tsarnaev indicted on 30 counts, including conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death. tsarnaev is believed to have carried out the bombings with his older brother tamerlan tsarnaev. the courthouse expected to be packed, with space reserved for victims' families. total of three people killed and more than 260 others injured back on april 15th during those attacks including 11-year-old boy from martinez. a major development in the murder case involving former nfl star aaron hernandez.
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court documents show another man arrested in connect with the case told police that hernandez admitted to shooting and killing 27-year-old odin lloyd. until now, authorities refused to say who among the three men arrested for the shooting pulled the trigger. lloyd was shot five times in what's called an execution-style murder. his body found last month not far from hernandez's home. house speaker john boehner with house republicans holding a special meeting on capitol hill this morning to talk about how to move forward on immigration reform. the senate sent its version of a comprehensive immigration reform bill to the house about two weeks ago. speaker boehner at the time said he will not be bringing up the version for a vote. he says border security must be further addressed before opening a path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally. hours ago, the president's
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economic council releasing a new report showing potential benefits of the state passed immigration reform bill. that report shows the bill would boost the economy by $700 billion over the next ten years and double that number by 2033. the congressional budget office says that bill would cut the federal budget deficit by $850 billion over the next 20 years as well. you mentioned john boehner and house republicans holding a special meeting on capitol hill this morning. we're taking you live to texas this morning at the george w. bush institute. the podium where the actual former president will address the people there that are meeting on the naturalization and immigration services. he's going to talk about immigration and immigration reform this morning. just giving you a live picture in dallas to keep tabs on it for you. if he says anything significant, we'll bring it to you.
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firefighters still working to get the upper hand on a wild fire threat. ing homes east of san diego. the chariot fires burned 11 square miles in the cleveland national foreof the. it's 40% contained and threatening 120 homes near julian. firefighters say calm winds helped them make good progress yesterday. cause of the fire is still under investigation. 5:46. warm temperatures all over california for the last couple of weeks. as you point out, one of the many luxuries living in northern california. >> a cooldown. it's so much prettier here, i think, than in southern california, as well. so you can get on out there and enjoy some of the beauty of the bay area. buhl bea beautiful beach conditions and that go for the mountain as well. 5:46. talk about what your temperatures are doing. they're all over the place. not too bad. not too cold.
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definitely not to the point mild where you need to turn on that ac. give it a break for the next couple of days around the inner bay. you might need it for one more day in livermore starting out at 60 degrees. temperatures in the upper 80s for today. significant drop-off, done with 90s for the extended period. saw the clock on futurecast. expecting fog to move inland between now and 7:00 a.m. 10:00, 11:00 clear conditions. one of those runways out of commission in addition to the thick low ceilings expecting through noon. trying to catch a flight, check ahead. this is what we're watching for today. high pressure has moved to the east. right now located over the four corners region. going to drive the monsoonal police tur our way. we might see mountain
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thunderstorms. santa teresa, mountains surrounding san jose, gilroy, the best chance for that. 87 in livermore. 76 oakland. 64 san francisco. take you into that weekend forecast. after all, you're so close now. everybody else gets the weekends off. seven-day forecast, i'figure th out. >> i took it. i got a look at that. sneaky. towards the northbound direction of 101 through san jose. sudden burst of traffic through the area. this increased over the last couple of minutes. we see slowing on the sensors. we showed you that earlier. orange, speeds around 50 miles per hour as you're passing through the area we showed you toward allen rock, mckee. 880, it's a typical pattern for south bay. early slowing for 87, that has cleared up. watching this, it does look like a good amount of traffic toward
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the early part of the commute. we'll track it again here. fremont south 880. a bill as well. headlights past tesla. south of the dumbarton bridge mission boulevard. north past san mateo bridge smooth drive. slowing north 238, a crash at the bottom of the washington off-ramp. it's an issue as folks get towards city streets. west 580, build and slowing as north 880 through san leandro. quick look at toll plaza. metering lights turned on early though east shore freeway light and at the limit. backup up expected for this time. >> thank you. this has been a big ongoing story. bay bridge officials holding a special meeting today after cal trans decided to push back opening day for that brand new span. the bay area toll authority getting an update from construction officials on the status of the broken steel bolts
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and the fix that's being implemented on the bridge. monday, cal trans said that fix would not be finished until december at earliest. you can fly from san jose to tokyo seven days a week starting today all nippon airways. the flights were available five days a week with no service tuesday or thursdays. the flights will be on boeing 787 dreamliners which came back into service last month after being grounded in january due to battery problems. we can consider the body like an art. three prominent bay area athletes baring it all for espn magazine's body issue. kaepernick, davis and kerry-walsh jennings representinging it very well very strong. most sultry images of the south bay native walsh jennings who shot photos before and after her
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pregnancy. the olympic gold medalist was nervous posing nude while pregnant. less nervous posing pregnant because she felt like she was almost in costume with baby on board. you can see all ripped up and shredded body issue friday. >> hers shows the miracle of the human body in a whole different way. 5:51. the ohio little league team that has a special sponsor, get this, grammy winning band the black keys. the orioles made up of 6 to 8-year-olds. name on the back the black keys. the band sponsored the team for $300. chose the akron little look, two members used to play in the league as kids. the orioles also went undefeated this year. good for them. >> this reminds me of "bad news
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bears," chico bail bonds, class ex. 5:51. california city comes up with new rules for ice cream trucks. what they can't do anymore. at farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you.
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what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪
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welcome back. good wednesday morning to you. 5:54. scott mcgrew off all this week but we're happy to keep you informed of business headlines. oil prices jumping to $105 per barrel. an industry report showed a bigger than expected drop in u.s. crude stockpiles last week. the government will release its own inventory data this morning. keep an eye on crude prices. they translate into higher prices at pump. average price of gas $3.48 per gallon. certainly higher here in california. about $3.97 per gallon. a ground breaking ceremony held at the site of what will be
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samsung semiconductor's new home in san jose. that new and 1.1 million square foot facility built on the corner of north first street and tasman drive. an environmentally friendly research campus made up of two ten-story towers. the campus will have room for 2,000 workers and that is up from the company's current count of 370 employees. samsung semi curb owned by samsung electronics based in south korea. harder to know when the ice cream man is in the neighborhood in one southern california city. the long beach city council has voted, listen, yeah, the city attorney to write up an ordinance that will silence trucks when parked. >> it's a classic. >> prevent trucks to play amplified music selling the sweet treats.
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members have fond memory of the sound of ice cream trucks from childhood chasing it down the street, asking your mom for a quarter but they received a series of noise complaints. >> as a kid you had to be doing something -- hear the music -- awesome. >> give me an eskimo pie. >> i'll take one of these, i'll take the bon-bons. >> been a while since i've seen one. >> i'm sure you have fond memories chasing trucks. i do, i do. ten cents for an ice cream. i'm not that old. 87 degrees in livermore. 77 fremont. 79 in redwood city. i'm not going to shortchange you. heres your serven day outlook. mid-80s, upper 80s across the board. no major swings. good morning. >> keeping it even. here even flow as well. across the golden gate bridge
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morning track not a problem. low clouds. watch the marin site. might be why the metering lights have been turned on early. bay bridge from emeriville camera. backup at the toll plaza early, heavy, guys. there with the shot. >> thank you. 5:57. ntsb giving us new details about the investigation into the crash at san francisco's international airport. bob redell is on scene. just talked to the chairman. we'll have him coming up and telling all in a live report.
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. . a big jolt on the plane, shocked everybody around. something hit the plane. >> another scare at sfo. overnight investigation that warns passengers to evacuate from a delta flight overnight. new details in the asiana
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airlines crash. the question is, how experienced were those pilots at the controls? we'll tell you what federal investigators have just shared with us. a fireball on the freeway. dramatic crash and fuel spill that shut down five lanes of a major artery through the east bay. it's summertime in the bay area. a nice cool start to the day. temperatures are going to be warm but not too warm where you can't get outdoors. we'll help you make plans. full forecast in a few moments. >> changing conditions could change a view of the freeway as well. seeing clouds drift around the san mateo bridge. backup at the toll plaza. we'll talk about that coming up. a live look outside. a spanning shot over the south bay in san jose. a little haze in the sky to get you jump-started midweek wednesday july 10th. this is "today in the bay."


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